About Me

I am Kim and welcome to In Search of Me in Mommy!

I am a 40 year old stay at home mother of two boys (ages 5 and 6). In the past 10 years, my life has changed quite a bit. Since 2000, I met my husband, (after years of random dates and many dating droughts), got married, had two children in 14 months, quit my career to be a stay at home with my children, moved three times, and amidst it all, I lost a bit of myself.

Initially I didn't realize that I was lost. I had everything I ever wanted - a wonderful (most of the time) husband, two children that were healthy and happy (again, most of the time) and I felt lucky (you guessed it – most of the time) to be able to stay at home. And this is what I want, but somewhere in between night feedings and preschool registration I changed – my conversations were not the same, my interests altered, friendships were different, and my days were unlike ones before children. Early on, I had no time to mourn the loss of my previous life or to contemplate how motherhood would change me and the person I am. But, as the boys started preschool, I began to feel the urge to figure out “what is next” for me. In trying to answer this question, I realized that I don’t really know myself anymore. The dreams, goals, and aspirations that I had prior to motherhood, feel a bit like square pegs in round holes.

Before staying home with my boys, I worked for twelve years at various colleges and universities in Residence Life and Student Life Departments. I truly value education and loved my undergraduate experience where I received a BA in Individual and Family Studies. After graduating from college I went on to pursue my master degree in Higher Education Administration. I really liked working with college student and treasured my experiences and my friendships with co-workers and former students - but in my heart, I always knew that my "calling" was to be a mom.

Now that I am a mom, I am realizing that the visions that I had about motherhood is very different than the reality. There are many ups, downs, twists, turns, and unexpected loops. I strongly believe in being honest and open about the challenges of motherhood - sometimes, just sharing those "horrible" thoughts and feelings I have about my children or about being a mom, takes away the associated guilt and shame, because I find I am not alone and that other moms - good moms - understand exactly what I mean.

So, this blog is my space to share my journey - my purposeful journey - of motherhood and me. A place to openly and honesty explore who I am, how I have changed, and where I am going. I am, proudly, a mother and a wife, yet somewhere, lost in those roles, is me. I am on a search of me within the chaos of motherhood.


Natalie of TheBusyBudgetingMama.com said...

came to you through the blog party!! what a great post.. thanks for being so honest and open in sharing your journey with us! you sound lovely!

Unknown said...

Love your blog and really enjoyed my visit.
I think this is my 3rd year. Not sure but really enjoy meeting new bloggers.
Great prizes this year! I hope you win one..or two.
I was late too but fashionable late for the UBP 2010.

Mommy Moment said...

I am stopping by for your PARTY! Glad you linked up!
Thanks for sharing your journey to motherhood!
I hope you will stop by our blog for a Mommy Moment - take a moment, you deserve it!


Bree, Home of Blogmania said...

Ah, I think we lose some parts of ourselves and gain other parts that are a wonderful addition- but, it is nice when we are 'right' so are kids see us independent also- - enjoyed stopping in- www.breebee.com ubp10

Maria said...

Visiting your blog through UBP. Love your post. I think all mommies go through this at some point. Good luck in your search for finding that bit of yourself.

nicole lindsay said...

Joining you from UBP!
I feel the same way, trying to find the me in mommy also!

Unknown said...

Stopping in from the UBP! It's nice to 'meet' you! I think so many times we all lose a bit of ourselves...and find it again later. Sometimes it's evolved...sometimes it is someone we lost long ago and comes back, only better!

Tracey C. said...

Ah, well, nice to meet you! And may I say, I totally get it. I have 3 girls 10 and under. It can be hard to be honest about the trials of Mothering when so many other Mothers don't seem to feel "lost" or even distracted! :) I know it is a process and you are brave to approach it! I like your blog.

If you want to stop by my frugal blog and enter my goodie box giveaway...Tons of goodies worth over $50!

Cheryl D. said...

HI! I'm visiting via the UBP! I just love to party! You have a nice blog!

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