Monday, July 12, 2010

Half Marathon Training - Week 7 & a Rant

This week I felt pretty good about my workouts.  I really thought I did another run...but I didn't log it into and I can't remember the details - so I guess I didn't...? is what I logged.

07/10/10 Running Mill Stream Reservation... 3.? miles
Crazy run...I my oldest son rode his bike and I ran in the Metroparks.  We had just turned around to head back home and his pedal fell off - 3 times!  So I called my husband who picked up my son and his bike so I could finish my run.  Which was great... until I realized that my cell phone and my car keys were in my son's pocket.  So I stranded myself in the park.  Thank God for a stranger and his cell phone! 

07/08/10 Run - Treadmill 4 miles 13:00 pace 
Great run...I felt oddly powerful!

07/08/10 Bike - at gym 8 miles 9.6mph pace 
I was planning to run...but I ran into a friend I hadn't seen in years so I decided to bike and chat.

07/06/10 Run - Treadmill 3 miles 13:20 pace
Felt pretty good!

OK, and now my RANT!

So...on Tuesday, I went to the mall, specifically to Dick's Sporting Goods, to get two things, that I thought would be relatively simply. 

The first items were a couple pairs of shorts to run in.  I have conceded that to prevent wedgies and crotch chaffing, that I need to wear the incredibly unattractive lycra/spandex shorts.  As I have said before, I am not skinny, so I do know that it is not attractive to have fat-girl in some skin tight shiny material jogging next to you on the jogging paths or in local gyms on treadmills.  But, to my credit, I am running, albeit, ever so slowly, so that my muffin top recedes and my thighs and ass jiggle less.  However, in the world according to Dick's Sporting Goods, large asses, fuller size muffin tops guts, and bodacious boobs (which is a whole other rant, that I will not get into now) are not permitted to exercise - BECAUSE there are NO F-ing workout clothes that are appropriate for anyone over a size 12 or 14.  I found ONE pair of shorts, in the entire store, that would work for me.  And, that store is HUGE (if you don't know about Dick's, it is the Home Depot of sporting goods)!  Grrr...I walked out feeling deflated and frustrated.

The second item I went to get, I have avoided getting because I hate what I have heard people call it..."Chub Rub".  But, after running last week and getting two large spots of raw skin from my bra and a few other red, painful marks on my inner thighs, I sucked it up and decided to get some magical potion.  I was hopeful that it would prevent and heal these horrific violations to my skin (and ego) and was pointed in the direction of "Body Glide".  I bought it and have used it a few times...and you know what?!!?  I think it works!  So, three cheer for Chub Rub!

The last part of my post today are my goals...
  1. 5 miles of run/walk - with more walk than run.
  2. 4 running workouts of 3 miles or more.
Alright...I guess that is it.  Running more than 4 miles seems daunting, so wish me luck!

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