My husband's grandma recently passed away and this weekend we attended to her memorial service. Her death, at the age of 96, really made me think about life, family, and legacy.
In her lifetime, she raised five children, buried two husbands, a son and two grandsons, was a part of fifteen
grandchildren's lives, became a great-grandma over thirty times, and a great-great grandmother over ten times.
I first met her, when I was engaged to my husband and she, in her late 80's, was full of energy and love. She greeted me with a huge hug, and even though she called me "Beth" (her great-grandson's fiance and about my age) more times than I could count, I felt genuinely welcomed into the family.
When my sons were born, she (in her 90's) would get down onto the floor cooed, talked to and play with them. My baby boys were mesmerized by her. As they grew, they were always thrilled when great grandma would come to visit, because she showered them with undivided attention. As I watched her interact with my boys, I was always in awe! It was wondrous and heart-warming to witness my boys experiencing her true, genuine, unconditional love.
At the memorial service, I heard time and time again, from her daughters, and granddaughters that she taught them
"how to be a wonderful grandmother."
And she was truly, a spectacular example of an amazing, caring, loving grandmother!
I'm not sure if I could think of a better legacy!