But, just over a month ago I decided to take things into my own hands! I realized that my one wish, did not need to be a gift - no, perhaps, with a little bit of money, I could make it happen.
The only big obstacle...the green stuff, dinero, buckeronies, cha-ching. And last I checked, SAHMs do not rake in the cash. A dilemma, certainly, but overcome-able...Right?
I considered getting a job - but I really enjoy being a SAHM and the whole childcare cost doesn't really lend its self to a part-time gig. I also considered monetizing my blog - but I don't have many followers so that seemed unrealistic. Then there's the street corner - but it's not really my thing, and there's that whole I-could-be-arrested factor, so that was out. And, while I am still planning to write a book, I am guessing that a publisher is not willing to shell out an advance to an unknown, unpublished, wanna-be-author. And since I want my wish to become a reality, sooner rather than later, that won't work either.
So...one day, while doing some important SAHM mom stuff (going through two, five foot high piles of preschool artwork, worksheets, and scribbled papers), I came up with a harebrained idea. And, the more I thought about it, the more, I thought that maybe...possibly...perhaps...if I can make this crazy-idea work, then maybe...possibly...perhaps...I can make a few bucks.
Plus, and even more important, I am so stinkin' excited about this lunatic idea that regardless of whether or not my wish comes true, I am determined to it see through!
So, while I am crossing my fingers for my simple I-want-a-cleaning-lady (or man - I wouldn't want to be sexist) wish to become a reality...
I am jumping up-and-down in anticipation, exhilaration, and excitement about sharing what my idea has developed into!
But...I can't, just yet.