Before becoming a mom, I never expected...
- the immense, overwhelming, I-would-die-for-you love that I have for my sons.
- to be so unnerved by a tiny itty-bitty being.
- to love my husband so much more after he became a dad.
- that I would yearn for a mini van.
- how much children would change and improve my relationship with my parents.
- that the timing of my child accomplishing (or not) his milestones would, seemingly, reflect my ability as a parent.
- all the boring, mundane, day-to-day stuff that comes with being at home with my children.
- to know every single name of every single construction vehicle ever made.
- that the answers are not always found in a book.
- how much my friendships would change - in both good and bad ways.
- how much whining and fussing grates on my last nerve.
- the judgements others have about how I mother.
- to feed them so many chicken nuggets and PB&J sandwiches.
- that potty training would be so frickin' hard.
- how much breastfeeding could hurt.
- how wonderful it is to slow down and see the wonders of the world through their eyes.
- to yell and nag.
- the joy of watching all the aha moments my boys experience.
- to hear my mom coming out of my mouth.
- that I would not be completely fulfilled by motherhood.
- that they would teach me so much about myself and life!
Now it's your turn...what did you not expect?